Monday, October 29, 2012

Moving On

It's been awhile since my last post and a lot has happened in my life.  The biggest being my breakup with a girl I had been dating for a year. At first I thought I was over it, but have realized that you don't just get over a relationship to a person you care about in a month. I think I was blinded by my desire to be okay with it that I didn't let myself be hurt. I've come to realize that it is okay to be hurt and more importantly, to let yourself hurt. It's part of being able to move on.

The old me would be over analyzing the relationship and thinking about what could have been. Thankfully I think I have matured in that I am looking back at the year I spent with Jessie in a positive way. We had a great relationship and so many great times together. However, I think in both our minds we were not meant to spend a life together. I don't think you realize these things until you take a step back and really analyze the relationship as a whole.

Every relationship is a learning experience.  I can say with confidence that I've learned something from each of my 3 serious relationships in different ways. I feel like I've grown as a person and have no regrets. I am so thankful for my friends and families support through this time. I'm a person who likes/needs to talk about my feelings and everyone in my life has been understanding and supportive. You all are awesome.

I don't know what awaits me in the future, and while the thought can be daunting, I find myself excited for this new chapter in my life. I will always remember the great times I spent with Jessie and the impact she made on my life. I know she will do great things and we will always be a part of each other's history.

Like my good friend Sarah said, " this is the one time in your life you can do whatever you want". It really is true. The world awaits and this is the time to concentrate on myself and what I want to do. I can't wait to see what happens next.